Vision Tea Brokers Limited (VTBL) is Tea Broking firm which was established in 2023 and is registered and licensed by the Tea Board of Tanzania (TBT).
It was the First Tea Broking and Tanzanian owned Company to Trade as a Tea Broker in Tanzania at the Inauguration of the Tanzania’s Dar es Salaam Tea Auction in late 2023.
Vision Tea Brokers Limited (VTBL) is a subsidiary of Vision Control & Superintendence Limited, specializing in tea broking and sales through the prestigious Dar es Salaam Tea Auction in Tanzania. With deep commitment to quality and professionalism, we connect tea producers and buyers, facilitating seamless transactions and fostering growth of tea businesses in the tea industry.
On a weekly basis, producers provide volumes of tea that are publish in a catalogue and the tea samples are delivered to each buyer. The catalogued volumes of tea are sold through the Tanzania Mercantile Exchange (TMX) platform.
To provide quality tea broking services that bring value for clients.
Our dedication lies in meeting our clients’ expectations effectively by creating outstanding and innovative tea broking experience.
We broker tea from different producers on the following market platforms;
a. Forward Contracts: We initiate private sale contracts on behalf of factories with various buying companies on a forward contract basis.
b. Spot Sales: We match tea requests from buying companies with available tea products. We negotiate available tea offers and acceptable price levels and sanction on-the-spot sales once both parties have been satisfied.
c. Auction: We prepare a tea catalogue that lists the teas available for sale and prepare samples for each line and distribute to prospective buyers then we sell the teas on the organized weekly auction.
We conduct evaluation of tea quality vis-a-vis market value through tea tasting, valuation and up to date reporting on respective tea, market trends and international prices. We also inform producers their manufacturing weaknesses after thorough quality analysis of their respective tea
Vision Tea Brokers Ltd recognize the power of information in day-to-day decision-making processes. We subscribe to established databases of information on tea, and similarly invest in continuously building our own database to generate diverse statistics which could guide in understanding trends and figures on tea production, trade and export. We endeavour to share timely and reliable information of interest with our clients on tea quality, market trends and auction results.
We advise producers to strategically meet customers’ demands by producing teas that can be consumed in multiple markets to enhance competition for the tea and hence a higher ultimate price. We offer technical guidance and support to producers to ensure consistent production of high quality tea from factories.
By partnering with other experts and consultants, we assist organizations undertake audits on various aspects of tea farm practices, tea processing, and quality control.
Vision Tea Brokers Ltd undertakes the below in their day to day broking activities to its Clients;-
a. Weekly Tasting Reports of Producers Teas.
b. Weekly Valuation Reports of Producers Teas.
c. Delivery of Pre-Auction Samples to prospective Buyers.
d. Making follow up with the buyers regarding Tea improvement on the Tea quality on weekly basis.
e. Auctioning of producers teas at the Tanzania Mercantile Exchange (TMX).
f. Advising the producer on the market preference.
g. Sale confirmation of the Auction.
h. Providing the producer with Market Reports.
i. Providing the producer with Account Sales.
j. Follow up on payments from buyers.
k. Providing the producer with periodic statistics on the performance of their teas in the Auction.
l. Visiting the Producers Factory periodically to discuss quality with a view of making recommendations for any improvements that may be deemed necessary
We also do periodical visits to factories accompanied by buyers to :-
1. Deliberate on how to improve and make our factories better in quality and realization of better prices. The buyer is also able to give a clear indication of the market preference hence our reason to take the buyer with us.
2. Whenever there is a field day for the growers, we attend the meetings again accompanied by one or two buyers to assist the Directors and Management to advise the growers of good plucking standard and crop husbandry.
3. We also attend joint buying centers Tea Board meetings to be able to advise the officials on good plucking standard and post-harvest handling. We also advise the officials on market preference and the way to good prices in the Dar es Salaam Tea Auctions.
Tel: +255 22 21 27537 Fax: +255 22 2125674
IPS Building, 5th and 10th Floor, Samora Avenue,
P.O. Box 8680,